COVID Safety Precautions and Practices
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
The Radiology Department has guidelines for patients coming onsite for clinical scans which apply to research participants as well. Researchers should consult new scheduling guidelines as well. Contact the NI Director of Imaging Services with questions.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
The NYSPI MRI Research COVID-19 Ramp Up and Reactivation Plan contains details about pre-scan preparation, scheduling changes, PPE requirements, and post-scan cleaning.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Click here for the most updated guidelines. Researchers must escort participants, provide masks if wanted, and clean surfaces after all scans on the MR systems in the Jerome L. Greene Science Center. Four important points are:
1) Masks are optional for researchers and participants. Metal-free masks are available in each control room for participants who want to wear a mask in the scanner.
2) Scans must be scheduled in a way that includes at least a 15 min buffer after for the researcher to disinfect surfaces after the scan. (The 15 min block should not be included in the reservation. It should be open time on the calendar. Researchers are not charged for this buffer time.) If a scan is scheduled that lacks buffer time, or infringes on the previous scan's buffer time, that scan will be cancelled and the researcher will be notified.
3) For each scan you schedule, send Jonathan Cardona ([email protected]) the required entry information: the name of the participant, the name of the research staff members attending the scan, your arrival time at JLGSC, and your departure time from JLGSC. Send this information immediately after scheduling your scan, if possible, or at least 48 hours in advance. Security will be informed in advance, which will ensure that you and your participant will be allowed into the building.
4) For post-scan cleaning: Supplies are provided. Leave the completed post-scan cleaning checklist in the wall-mounted box in the scan console room when finished.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute