Audio Equipment
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
VisuaStim System
CUIMC uses the Resonance Technology Inc VisuaStim system for both audio and visual stimulation.

Contact the NI Director of Imaging Services for details.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
NYSPI users can access details on available hardware at the NYSPI MRI site.
Contact the MR Program Coordinator for details.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
The ZMBBI equipment description includes specifications about the MR systems, available coils, RF shop and instrumentation shop resources, spaces, and staff available to MR Center users.
Researchers have the option of two different systems for audio stimulus and 2-way communication: the Optoacoustics OptoActive II audio system, and the Avotec Silent Scan 3300 system.
The Optoacoustics OptoActive II system
This is an active noise cancellation headphone system for MRI use. The system uses real-time algorithmic, active harmonic noise cancelling, as well as Optoacoustics’ proprietary passive noise reduction techniques, to reduce 95 percent of MR EPI main gradient resonance for the patient.

The headphones are slim and fit most participants' heads inside the headcoil.

Participant responses can be heard and recorded by using the OptoAcoustic FOMRI-III™ Microphone. This can be mounted securely on the head coil.
Additional information is available:
The OptoAcoustics system brochure has a helpful diagram and FAQs.
The OptoActive User Guide (skip to p 33-46 to get started and get troubleshooting help)
Video: How to Start an OptoActive Session
Avotec Silent Scan 3300
This is a fully- calibrated MRI audio delivery and two-way communication system.

The Avotec system is appropriate when headphones won't fit in the headcoil, and an earbud/ earplug audio system is needed.

Additional information can be found at the Avotec website.
Contact the MR Physicist for details, and to decide which system is best for your study's needs.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute