
Upcoming Events

“Growing Healthy Brains and Communities”

Growing Healthy Brains and Communities

“Growing Healthy Brains and Communities” is an outreach program from Tommy Vaughan and Columbia University’s Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute.  Professor Vaughan, already an established gardener at the Columbia University campus, teamed up with local Harlem community advisors and Girl Scout troop 3406 of the Greater New York Council. Planting started on Earth Day 2023 at the Grant House garden in Harlem. After two months of watering and weeding, they harvested their leaf lettuce, radishes, peppers, tomatoes, and snow peas.

Safety and Biological Effects in MRI: Devashish Shrivastava (Editor), J. Thomas Vaughan (Editor) | February 2021


August 03, 2022

Joint development agreement between PMX and Columbia University to accelerate brain MRI

PMX, founded in March 2020, a medical AI company, announced on Feb. 3 that it has signed a joint development research contract with the Center for MRI Research, Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute (ZMBBI) at Columbia University, USA to accelerate brain MR imaging and diagnosis. PMX, led by Dr. Kim Han Suk intends to create accessible solutions for dementia screening and management. Neuro solutions (BrainOMX) being commercialized by PMX will include technology that will be developed in partnership with ZMBBI under the guidance of PI, Dr. Sairam Geethanath.

Our Locations

Morningside, SEAS and Arts & Sciences

CUIMC, Neurological Institute

New York State Psychiatric Institute

Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute

Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research

Some students, faculty, staff, and industry associates of the Columbia MR Research Center, January 2020

Back row, left to right: Assistant Professor Jia Guo (ZMBBI, NYSPI), Dr. Patrick Quarterman (GE Healthcare), Dr. Jaemin Shin (GE Healthcare), Enlin Qian (SEAS), Keerthi Sravan Ravi (SEAS), Associate Professor Christoph Juchem (SEAS, ZMBBI), Nabil Ettenhadi (SEAS), Dr. Martin Gajdosik (SEAS), Yun Shang (SEAS), Xuzhe Zhang (SEAS), Chen Raphael Liu (SEAS, CUIMC), Sabrina Gjerswold-Selleck (SEAS)

Middle row, left to right: Assistant Professor Wei Shen (CUIMC), Dr. Sairam Geethanth (ZMBBI), Pavan Poojar (SEAS), Dr. Maggie Fung (GE Healthcare), Stephen Dashnaw (CUIMC), Gehua Tong (SEAS), Dr. Sebastian Theilenberg (SEAS), Kelley Swanberg (SEAS), Bassam Tabibi (SEAS), Zijian Dong (SEAS), Manny Costa (Siemens Healthineers)

Seated, left to right: Professor Andrew Laine (SEAS, CUIMC), Professor Tommy Vaughan (Director of CMRRC; SEAS, CUIMC, ZMBBI, NKI), Dr. David Gultekin (ZMBBI), Kathleen Durkin (SEAS, CUIMC, ZMBBI), Elsherif Mahmoud (SEAS), Marina Manso Jimeno (SEAS), Marleny Martinez (CUIMC), Nanyan Rosalie Zhu (SEAS)

Not present: Professor Lawrence Schwartz (CUIMC), Professor Rachel Marsh (NYSPI), Professor Shih-fu Chang (SEAS), Professor Scott Small (CUIMC),  Professor Niko Kriegeskorte (ZMBBI), Dr. Michael Milham (NKI), Dr. Charles E. Schroeder (NKI), Professor Sachin Jambawalikar (CUIMC), Dr. Ray Lee (ZMBBI).