
mr research center structure



Columbia MR Research Center governance consists of six committees.

  • The MR Research Oversight Committee members are appointed by the Vice Dean of Research and review MR Center progress and asses future plans.  The Oversight committee meets annually.
  • The MR Research Faculty Advisory Committee consists of faculty-level MR researchers and high level administrators.  They meet semiannually to review, advise, and plan MR Center policies and initiatives.
  • The MR Safety Committee meets quarterly to assure safe and effective MR research practices and procedures, by training, policy, volunteer consent and triage, IRB and IACUC support and review, and safety-related access control.
  • The MR Center Grant Planning Committee meets quarterly to discuss current Center grant application efforts, and to discuss other potential funding sources for the MR Center. 
  • The Human Cognitive Imaging Committee meets monthly to oversee, coordinate, schedule and plan human cognitive imaging research and     activities for the Zuckerman Mind, Brain, Behavior Institute (ZMBBI) and collaborations.

  • The Preclinical Imaging Committee meets quarterly to discuss scheduling, protocols, responsibilities, hardware, and future improvements.

All users are welcome at the monthly MR Users Group meetings to disseminate new policy, equipment status reports, training schedules, and to help with MR systems scheduling, for all Columbia MR Research. It’s also a chance to receive input and answer questions from other Columbia MR Research users. Meeting locations rotate among all campuses and call-in information is provided.