Data Management Software
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
Data from the MR systems goes to the research PACS (Picture Archiving Communications Systems). Researchers are granted permission to access their studies. Researchers then download the data to their own systems. If a researcher has their own server, they can set up a push to the server. Contact the NI Director of Imaging Services for details.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Data from the MR systems goes to XNAT. The scans are saved by exam number and are accessible to the researchers within 10-15 min. All users have an XNAT account. New researchers should contact NYSPI MR Center IT Manager to create a new XNAT account.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Our data management site is called Flywheel which is partnered with Google Health for cloud-based data storage and processing. This is where you will be accessing all your DICOM images. The site also has "gears" which allow postprocessing work as well. The public Flywheel site has a lot of helpful resources for users. After your pulse sequence has been added to one of our scanners, we can create the lab Flywheel account. New users should contact the ZMBBI Lead MR Technologist to create a new Flywheel account. The Flywheel team will reach out to all new users about upcoming training sessions.
Access Your MR Data with Flywheel powerpoint for self-directed learning
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute