MR Procedure Description
Every MR study procedure is different but this is is an example of a description of a procedure.
Study Procedures:
MRI acquisition will take place at (institute, building, campus name). This location is well equipped with (number) state-of-the-art research grade MR systems and the laboratories and staff to support their application to preclinical and human biomedical investigations. All systems are fully capable of MRI, multi-nuclear MRS and fMRI. All systems are fully dedicated to research.
SAFETY SCREEN: Participants will complete a metal questionnaire before the scan day to screen for contra-indicators for MRI research such as metal in the body. While there are no known risks to pregnant people, to be cautious, pregnancy is also an exclusion criteria and we ask participants who are pregnant or might be pregnant not to participate. Self-report of the presence of contra-indicators for MRI (such as metal in the body) or pregnancy will result in non-inclusion in the study.
INFORMED CONSENT: On the day of testing, the experimenter will go over the details of MRI scanning to make sure that the participant fully understands the procedure. The experimenter will also confirm with the participant that they are eligible to undergo an MRI scan, including assessing the following criteria:
1) if they have any metal in their body
2) for people of child bearing potential, if they might be pregnant.
People of childbearing potential will take a pregnancy test prior to the scan. If the results of the test are positive (as confirmed by the MRI technician and/or research assistant), the person will not be able to participate in the MRI scan.
The participant will perform the task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The entire session should last between (approximate duration).
MRI scanning procedures:
Participants will lie down in the bed of the MRI scanner. Cushions will be placed around their head to reduce motion. They will be told that it is extremely important to remain very still and especially to not move their head during the scanning session. The MRI technician and the experimenter will ensure that the participant is comfortable and let them know that they can stop the scan at any time. The scanning session will consist of three parts, which are described in detail below.
Part I: Localizer
After participants are situated in the scanner, a (number)-minute anatomical localizer scan will be performed to verify the participant's head position is acceptable to collect the subsequent functional images.
Part II: Anatomical Scan
High resolution anatomical scans will be collected. The anatomical scan will take about (number) minutes. During the anatomical scan, participants will simply have to remain still. Functional data will be overlaid on and aligned with the anatomical scans.
Part III: Functional Task
Participants will complete a computer task while undergoing fMRI scanning. (Describe the task here.)