Participants Pre-Screening

To avoid wasting time and money, a researcher should screen participants carefully before scheduling them for a scan.  Use the form provided by the scan site.


Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute

CUIMC Safety Screening form 

Contact the NI Director of Research with questions.


New York State Psychiatric Institute

NYSPI Safety Screening form

Contact the MR Program Coordinator with questions.


Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute

 ZMBBI Safety Screening forms

We follow the Department of Health and Human Services guidelines which establish that research participants should be subject to no more than than minimal risk. "Risk" for participants with medical devices or implants is determined by FDA guidelines. We will follow FDA- approved ratings for devices, and for participants with unsafe or unknown devices, the decision to allow the scan will be up to our discretion. When in doubt, ask the MR Safety Officer or the MR technologist.

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)


Nathan Kline Institute