Physiological monitoring/ recording equipment
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
Physiological recording equipment are integrated in the Philips scanner (pulse, respiration, ECG) and synchronized with the scanner data collection. Contact the NI Director of Imaging Services for details.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
NYSPI users can find details at
Contact the MR Program Coordinator for details.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Physiological data acquisition systems are integrated in the Siemens scanners (pulse, respiration, ECG). Additional physiological tracking is available from BIOPAC, the Tesla Duo patient monitor, and the Eyelink 1000 eye tracker system.
The facility has BIOPAC-brand cables, electrodes, electrode leads, transducers, amplifiers, gating systems, and stimulus options for safe data acquisition of physiological signals in the MRI environment. Specially developed cables interface between the control room and the magnet room. AcqKnowledge software includes automated data cleaning tools to filter the data for high-quality results.

TeslaDUO SpO2 & NIBP Patient Monitor Includes wireless SpO2 sensor, finger adapters, pressure hose, and pressure cuffs for neonates, children, and adults.

The EyeLink 1000 eye tracker by SR Research is available in both Siemens Prisma 3T systems. See the user manual and the brochure for more details.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute