Pilot testing, technical testing, and seed grants
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
Researchers are expected to have a working protocol before their first scan. Unpaid pilot or testing time is not available. All researchers must have a grant before booking time. There is a discounted student scanning rate available; contact the NI Director of Research for details.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Pilot scanning: Twice a year, the NYSPI MR Operating Committee solicits applications for pilot grants. Pilot grants are awarded to researchers based on scientific merit and availability. A researcher can be awarded 20 hours of pilot scanning time.
Testing time: The first time a researcher scans at NYSPI, they get 1 free scan slot to test their sequence, timing, and peripheral devices. After this, the researcher can book any open time on the same day it will be used. The time is free as long as no one else wants it. Paying customers are priority and can bump unpaid testing time. Researchers who need pilot time are encouraged to schedule it before 9:00 AM and after 6:00 PM, when there's less demand. Contact the NYSPI MR Program Coordinator for details.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Seed Grant: Seed grants are available to NIH-eligible Columbia PIs who will be using the 3T Prisma Siemens systems. Applicants should fill out the ZMBBI seed grant application form and submit it to the ZMBBI Director of Cognitive Imaging. Applications are reviewed in committee every month and assessed for merit, scientific innovation, likelihood to lead to a successful grant application, and time availability.
Technical Development Grant: Technical development grants are available to NIH-eligible Columbia PIs. Applicants should fill out the ZMBBI Technical Development application form and submit it to the ZMBBI Director of Cognitive Imaging. Applications are reviewed in committee every month and assessed for importance of the work to local researchers and time availability.
Study-specific technical development time and pilot time: Every IRB- approved study gets unpaid technical development time to work with the MR Physicist and Lead MR Technologist, to address any issues with peripherals, pulse sequences, task design, etc. (Contact the MR Physicist and Lead MR Technologist to schedule unpaid technical development time.) Note that technical development time cannot involve scanning human participants. Test scans with human participants is considered "pilot time" and every study can use up to 2 hours. If your study requires more than 2 hours, contact the Director of MR Research Administration; she can also schedule your pilot time. Paid time has priority over unpaid time M-F 9-5 when the MR technologist is available, which means it can be a few weeks before pilot time can be booked M-F 9-5. For this reason, researchers are encouraged to request M-F 9-5 pilot time as soon as possible, or plan to do pilot testing during evening or weekend times. In addition to these two hours of piloting on human participants, research groups can use
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute