Safety Training
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
MR safety training and certification is a 2-step process. First, researchers get an annual MR Safety review (consisting of a video and slide presentation) via NYP weblink via ISMRM (the link will only work at CUIMC). For the second part, contact the Director of Research. Researchers must have proof of current safety training before beginning the cost estimate process.
All MR scans at NI are run by a MR technologist. Users do not operate the magnet.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
MR safety training is held every month. Contact the MR Program Coordinator to reserve your space. Once the date, time, and location is set, an announcement is emailed to the entire institute and all users who expressed interest.
NYSPI MRI employs the yellow badge/ green badge system. A user earns their yellow badge by taking the safety class and passing the safety test. A yellow badge- holder has access to the MR suite. To earn their green badge, they must shadow three scans. Typically a new user will shadow scans conducted by their own labs, but if there's any difficulty with this, users should contact the MR Program Coordinator to set up shadowing opportunities with other labs.
Only users who have passed their safety training (that is, earned at least their yellow badge) may enter the MRI suite.
All MR scans at NYSPI are run by a MR technologist. Users do not operate the magnet.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
ZMBBI Metal Screening Form (English)
ZMBBI Metal Screening Form (Spanish)
MR Platform safety training, testing, and certification has three levels:
Level I: for Facilities, Security, Operations staff, or other non-research staff who may need to work around the MR systems. Contact the Director of MR Research Administration to schedule a course.
Level II: for researchers and their staff members who will be working with participants in the MR system. Complete the MR Safety Training Request Form and the Director of Administration will reach out to you to set up a time. Level I is not a prerequisite.
Level III: for researchers and their staff members who have experience in scanning and wish to be certified to operate the MR system. New users should get their Level II training first, then contact the Lead MR Technologist for additional training on the Siemens 3T system or the SAIL director for additional training on the Bruker 9.4T system. Next, the user must attend scans with the MR technologist. They should do as much hands-on work at the scanner that the MR technologist deems appropriate. After several scans, when the user feels confident that they could run a scan independently, they should contact the Lead MR Technologist or the SAIL director to schedule certification testing. Level II is a prerequisite.
Renewals: Level II safety training must be renewed on an annual basis in order to maintain access to the ZMBBI scanners. Renewals are completed online via Rascal, with an in-person refresher course required for every fourth annual renewal. The user will be notified when they are due to renew their training.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute