Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
All MRI scans at NI are run by a MR technologist. Users do not operate the magnet. Any scheduled scan time will automatically include a MR technologist.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
All MRI scans at NYSPI are run by a MR technologist. Users do not operate the magnet. Any scheduled scan time will automatically include a MR technologist.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Level III- certified MR system users can operate the scanner independently, without an MR technologist. (See MR Safety Training for details on Level III certification and its prerequisites.) This usage type is called "Unassisted". Level III- certified users have swipe access to the MR rooms.
Every user has the option to work with the MR technologist (if the MR technologist's schedule permits). This usage type is called "Assisted". Before booking an assisted scan, log into iLab and check the calendar "MR Technologist Availability". When booking the scan ticket, select "Assisted" as your usage type. When the Reservation Details page says “Invite additional people to this event by email”, enter the MR technologist’s email here.
Users who lack Level III certification do not have swipe access to the MR control rooms. The MR technologist gives control room access on the day of the scan.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute