Testing rooms

Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute

There are no testing rooms available in the NIB.  Researchers should do all testing, metal screening, and consenting in their own lab or office spaces.

New York State Psychiatric Institute

The mock scanner room in the MRI suite can be used as a testing room.  The scheduling calendar is in Calpendo. Users should not monopolize the room, to avoid inconveniencing their fellow researchers. There is a waiting room available in the MR suite that can be used for debriefing after the scan, if no one else is waiting there. Otherwise, researchers should do all testing, metal screening, and consenting in their own lab or office spaces.

Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute

There are 2 testing rooms available on SC4 near the MR systems. They are primarily intended for consenting, metal screening, and functional task training.  Their calendars are available in iLab

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)


Nathan Kline Institute