Hours of Operation
Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute
Scan time is available from 7:00 am-7:00 pm Monday- Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm Saturday. Sundays and evenings are available by request. Contact the NI Director of Imaging Services for details. Researchers should arrive on time for their reserved scan time.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Scan time is available from 8 am- 8 pm Monday-Friday, and 9 am- 5 pm Saturday and Sunday.
Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
Assisted scan time (with the MR technologist) is available from 9-5 Monday-Friday. Evenings and weekends are only available by special arrangement with the MR Technologist. Contact the MR Research Administrator for details.
Unassisted scan time (for certified Level III scanner operators who can scan without the MR technologist) is available 24/ 7. Researchers who want to scan on Fridays, in late evenings, and on weekends should contact the MR Research Administrator in advance to make sure they have off-hours building access.
A researcher must end their scan if another group is waiting to start their scan, even if the first scan was delayed for reasons outside the researcher's control.
An Unassisted user can continue to scan past the end of their reserved time only if two criteria are met:
1) no other user group has reserved the time right after them
2) if they log into iLab and add more time to their reservation.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Nathan Kline Institute