How To Get Started

Columbia University MRI Center at the Neurological Institute

The PI or their staff will need to submit their project protocol, research plan, and imaging manual along with a completed cost estimate request form to [email protected] and [email protected]. One month prior to the start of the study, email the Director of Research to schedule a start-up meeting.  The email should contain the IRB #, the PI name, the approved protocol, the imaging guidelines or manual, the Joint Radiation Safety Committee (JRSC) packet and approval (if applicable), and the chart string of the grant that will pay for the scan time.

Contact the NI Director of Research for details.


New York State Psychiatric Institute

The PI or their staff must meet with MR Safety Officer in person to review pulse sequences, program the console, and arrange for data transmission after the scan. This is when a researcher verifies that the sequence has been properly set up on the console. All study personnel must attend safety and MRI unit training and have either a yellow or green badge. (If the staff member has a yellow badge, they must be accompanied by a green badge staff member who is aware of the details of the study.) Submit an up-to-date IRB Protocol Summary Form (PSF) to the MR Program Coordinator.  Only study personnel explicitly listed in the PSF may interact with study subjects during a scan. If any fMRI tasks require peripherals, or if the scan uses physiological monitoring, the researcher must meet with the MR Center IT Manager in person to review peripherals and fMRI stimulus/response equipment for the scan. Meet with the MR Center IT Manager to name and establish your project and to set up image data storage space on XNAT. Obtain email approval to schedule the first scan.

NYSPI users can find more information at

Contact the MR Program Coordinator for details.


Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute

To get started with a new MR study at ZMBBI, there are a few steps.  These steps can happen in parallel, so please get started even if some items are pending.

MR User meetings are monthly. Attendance is encouraged but not required. The meeting locations rotate among the three campuses: Manhattanville, Morningside, and CUMC. Contact the MR Physicist for details, or the date/ time/ location of future meetings.

Contact the Director of MR Research Administration with all questions.

Checklist: Internal User using a 3T Siemens MR system (includes Zuckerman, Morningside, and CUIMC)

Checklist: Internal User using a 9.4T Bruker MR system (includes Zuckerman, Morningside, and CUIMC)

Checklist: External User (includes NYSPI, NKI, outside collaborators)



School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)


Nathan Kline Institute