Affiliated Faculty

Cha Lab
Jiook Cha
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Research Interest

Huey Lab
Edward D Huey
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology (in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain), PSY Geriatric Psychiatry
Research Interest

Landa Lab
Alla Landa
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Ochsner Lab/ SCAN
Kevin Ochsner
Professor in the Department of Psychology, Department of Psychology; Affiliated Member, Zuckerman Institute
Research Interest

Salzman Lab
C Daniel Salzman
Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience; Principal Investigator, Zuckerman Institute
Research Interest

Tottenham Lab/DAN
Nim Tottenham
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology; Affiliated Member, Zuckerman Institute