Affiliated Faculty

Auerbach Lab
Randy P. Auerbach
Associate Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), PSY Child&Adolescent Psychtry
Research Interest

Bernardi Lab
Silvia Bernardi
Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Psych Molec Therapeutics
Research Interest

Broft Lab
Allegra I. Broft
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Psychtry Clin Therapeutics
Research Interest

Brown Lab
Patrick Brown
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), PSY Geriatric Psychiatry
Research Interest

Cha Lab
Jiook Cha
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Research Interest

Comer Lab
Sandra D. Comer
Professor of Neurobiology (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psychiatry Substance Abuse
Research Interest

Cycowicz Lab
Yael M. Cycowicz
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), PSY Child&Adolescent Psychtry
Research Interest

Devanand Lab
Devangere P. Devanand
Professor of Psychiatry (in Neurology and in the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Department of Neurology
Research Interest

Evans Lab
Suzette M. Evans
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Psychiatry Substance Abuse
Research Interest

Ferrera Lab
Vincent P. Ferrera
Professor of Neuroscience (in Psychiatry ), Department of Neuroscience; Principal Investigator, Zuckerman Institute
Research Interest

Fisher Lab
Prudence Fisher
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatric Social Work (in Psychiatry)
Research Interest

Gianini Lab
Loren M. Gianini
Assistant Professor of Medicine Psychiatry (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Girgis Lab
Ragy R. Girgis
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Psych Translational Imaging
Research Interest

Goldberg (Terry) Lab
Terry E. Goldberg
Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry and Anesthesiology) at the Columbia University Medical Center, PSY Geriatric Psychiatry
Research Interest

Grinband Lab
Jack Grinband
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry and Radiology), Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Grunebaum Lab
Michael F. Grunebaum
Special Lecturer in Psychiatry, PSY Molec Imaging & Neuropath
Research Interest

Guo (Jia) Lab
Jia Guo
Assistant Professor of Neurobiology (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Research Interest

Hagan Lab
Kelsey Hagan
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, PSY Psychtry Clin Therapeutics
Research Interest

Horga Lab
Guillermo Horga
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Psych Translational Imaging; Affiliated Member, Zuckerman Institute
Research Interest

Huey Lab
Edward D Huey
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology (in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain), PSY Geriatric Psychiatry
Research Interest

Javitt Lab
Daniel C Javitt
Professor of Psychiatry, Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Kegeles Lab
Lawrence S. Kegeles
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry (in Radiology), Psych Translational Imaging
Research Interest

Lan Lab
Martin Lan
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Molec Imaging & Neuropathology
Research Interest

Landa Lab
Alla Landa
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Lazarov Lab
Amit Lazarov
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatry Central Admin
Research Interest

Mann Lab
J. John Mann
Paul Janssen Professor of Translational Neuroscience (in Psychiatry and in Radiology), Department of Radiology
Research Interest

Marder Lab
Karen Marder
Sally Kerlin Professor of Neurology (in the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain and in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Dept Neur Aging & Dementia
Research Interest

Margolis Lab
Amy E Margolis
Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Research Interest

Marsh Lab
Rachel Marsh
Associate Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at CUIMC, Director of MRI Research at New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York NY
Research Interest

Martinez Lab
Diana M. Martinez
Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psychiatry Substance Abuse
Research Interest

Mayer Lab
Laurel Mayer
Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Mayeux Lab
Richard Paul Mayeux
Gertrude H. Sergievsky Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry and Epidemiology (in the Sergievsky Center and Taub Institute); Chair, Dept of Neurology; Director, Sergievsky Center; Co-Director, Taub Institute, Department of Neurology
Research Interest

McCormack Lab
Clare Aileen McCormack
Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Center for Science and Society, Center for Science & Society
Research Interest

Milham Lab
Michael Milham
Department Director, Center for Biomedical Imaging and Neuromodulation, Nathan Kline Institute
Research Interest

Miller Lab
Jeffrey M. Miller
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Molec Imaging & Neuropath
Research Interest

Naqvi Lab
Nasir Hasnain Naqvi
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Psychiatry Substance Abuse
Research Interest

Pagliaccio Lab
David Pagliaccio
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), PSY Child&Adolescent Psychtry
Research Interest

Patel Lab
Gaurav H Patel
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Picard Lab
Martin Picard
Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine (in Psychiatry and Neurology), PSY Psychiatry Behavioral Med
Research Interest

Posner Lab
Jonathan Eric Posner
Suzanne Crosby Murphy Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Research Interest

Prudic Lab
Joan Prudic
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, PSY Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Roose Lab
Steven P. Roose
Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Geriatric Psychiatry
Research Interest

Rowny Lab
Stefan Rowny
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Salzman Lab
C Daniel Salzman
Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience; Principal Investigator, Zuckerman Institute
Research Interest

Schneck Lab
Noam M. Schneck
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), PSY Molec Imaging & Neuropath
Research Interest

Schneier Lab
Franklin R. Schneier
Special Lecturer, Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Schroeder Lab
Charles E. Schroeder
Professor of Clinical Psychology (In Neurological Surgery and Psychiatry), Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Schupf Lab
Nicole Schupf
Professor of Epidemiology (in Neurology, Psychiatry, the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, and the Taub Institute) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Department of Epidemiology
Research Interest

Sehatpour Lab
Pejman Sehatpour
Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Psychiatry, PSY Experimental Therapeutics
Research Interest

Simpson Lab
Helen B. Simpson
Irving Philips Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Sloan Lab
Richard P. Sloan
Nathaniel Wharton Professor of Behavioral Medicine (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psychiatry Behavioral Medicine
Research Interest

Spann Lab
Marisa Spann
Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Psychiatry Behavioral Medicine
Research Interest

Steinglass Lab
Joanna Steinglass
Professor of Psychiatry at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Research Interest

Stern Lab
Yaakov Stern
Professor of Neuropsychology (in Neurology, in Psychiatry, in the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center and in the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain) at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Dept of Neurology Admin
Research Interest

Suarez Lab
Benjamin Suarez-Jimenez
Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), Psych Clinical Therapeutics
Research Interest

Uniacke Lab
Blair W Uniacke
Postdoctoral Clinical Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Assistant in Clinical Psychiatry, PSY Psychtry Clin Therapeutics
Research Interest

Weissman Lab
Myrna M. Weissman
Diane Goldman Kemper Family Professor of Epidemiology (in Psychiatry), Department of Epidemiology
Research Interest

Xu Lab
Dongrong Xu
Associate Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), PSY Molec Imaging & Neuropath
Research Interest

Zanderigo Lab
Francesca Zanderigo
Associate Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (in Psychiatry), PSY Molec Imaging & Neuropath